
Wall Street Journal article complaining about new tax increases on "families"

So the WSJ is actually publishing an article complaining about how the taxes that got increased actually apply to more than the wealthiest 1%.  Specifically they are complaining about several increases to “families” making $250,000+ and are actually making them out to be hidden: “So, a couple with three children and adjusted gross income of

Wall Street Journal article complaining about new tax increases on "families" Read More »

FDA recalls drug after 5 years of side-effects and approval without testing.

This is really scary, and yet not surprising.   Apparently the FDA approved a generic version of Wellbutrine XL 5 years ago.  This generic version came in both 150mg and 300mg versions.  Immediately after patients started to use the generic version of this popular drug, complaints of side-effects and ineffectiveness started rolling in for the

FDA recalls drug after 5 years of side-effects and approval without testing. Read More »